Update - July 30, 2024
Have a question or comment for City of Fallon?
Please contact Brenda Gross as Brenda is the liaison for FPC to the City of Fallon. Thank you, Brenda!
Brenda may be emailed through this link: Email Brenda. Or you may reach Brenda by texting her but please email her to get her phone number. I am not keen on putting her phone number here. Thank you for understanding.
City of Fallon working to make Oats Park PB Courts right!
This morning, Cheryl recapped a meeting she recently had with City of Fallon Chief of Staff, Bob Erickson.
The City says they are going to make the courts right. Currently, the big national contractor worked through local Hammond Homes and Construction. Hammond Homes says they did what they were asked to do by the City.
The City attorneys are involved and it may time time to “Make it right.” Mr. Erickson asked that we be patient and emphasized that the City of Fallon is motivated to make everyone happy. The City wants the courts safe and wonderful for everyone to play on.
Fallon PB Club to have breakfast and PB at Oats Park in September
The club will have a play day with breakfast at the courts one Saturday in September. Stay tuned for more info.
Fallon PB Club signs with QR codes posted at Oats Park
On each outside gate at Oats Park, informing players of Fallon PB Club and how we use Playtime Scheduler to organize play sessions. There are QR codes on the signs for players to use their cell phones for directly links to both sites.